Mental & physical wellbeing has been a hot topic in recent years, especially during the past year, where the way we live, work, socialise and take leisure time has changed and been restricted frequently. So, this Professional Wellbeing Month hits home, harder than previous years, and London Cleaning Co. would like to use this week’s blog post as an opportunity to define what professional well being means and ways, we can all help to implement it in our workplaces to better look out for each other.
Professional Wellness can be defined as “A state of wholeness that results from bringing balance into life, work, people and money”* (Rick Solomon, CPA). The contributing factors to professional wellbeing are educational level, career experience, skill level, appropriate compensation as well as family circumstances and the economy. All these factors effect your job satisfaction and stress management. Here are 3 ways to look after your professional wellness, that you can share with your colleagues and managers to promote professional wellness in the workplace:
1. Exercise
People clam up when they hear that word and well, who has time for that during work? The answer is everybody. Exercise can be 30 mins in the gym during your break or a 15-minute walk during what would be most staff members smoke breaks. Most people experience burnout halfway through the business day, so a short change of environment, breaking up the intense workflow can help clear your mind and reset your day.
2. No work after work
It is important to set boundaries between business hours and leisure time. A lot of us have been working from home, so the lines have been blurred, but it is imperative to set that boundary and stick to it. That means turning off your work line when you clock out, no reading emails after a certain time and if you work remotely, make sure you are set up to walk away from your work area at the end of your shift and enjoy your non-work areas of your home. Close that door and enjoy your personal time.
3. Use your holiday time.
We’ve probably all felt that guilt and worry submitting your holiday requests but remember, you are owed this time off, so take it. Rest, let your hair down, catch up on the things you were dreaming about when you were working, do whatever you like, but switch off and take that time to yourself.
We hope this blog post helps someone out there to take better care of their professional wellbeing.